EPTRI was invited to attend the 10th Conference of the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI) on September 12-13rd 2018 by Prof. Catherine Tuleu, chair of EuFPI and WP8 leader within the EPTRI project.
This year’s conference theme was “Formulating better medicines for children” and the topics of interest were age-appropriate formulations, administration devices, biopharmaceutics, excipients, formulating paediatric medicines for developing countries, taste assessment and taste masking technologies.
EPTRI participated with a stand that included an explicative poster, leaflets explaining its role and objectives, a paper survey in order to collect relevant information, map potential service providers and research units to be included in the future research infrastructure, and a chart to be filled in with contact details of the interested stakeholders. It was presented by a delegation of CVBF and UCL .