BBMRI-ERIC, with its headquarter in Austria is involved in the ID-EPTRI Project as leader of the Thematic Research Platform “Paediatric Biomarkers and Biosamples” together with its Italian third party University of Milano Bicocca.
Austrian respondents of the EPTRI WP3 surveys described expertise in “Paediatric Medicines Discovery” (50%) in endocrinology, gynaecology, haematology, infectious diseases and oncology; in “Paediatric Biomarkers and Biosamples” (25%) in haematology and oncology, and in “Paediatric Medical Devices” (25%) in immunology and musculoskeletal diseases.
Furthermore, the OKIDS Organisation, St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute, Medical University of Graz and University of Vienna signed the Memorandum of Understanding to develop the EPTRI Research Infrastructure and organise the research institutes into a National Node (the Austrian Hub).
The Austrian Hub (EPTRI-AT) will be constituted by the following Institutes: