The National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI) is appointed by the 28/2005. (II. 25.) Government Decree as a licensing authority for pharmaceutical and public administration matters. The main activity of OGYÉI is to provide the public with safe, effective and quality medicines in accordance with the regulations.
OGYÉI is the national organization of official drug controlling tasks and it is also the methodical and research institute of Hungary. OGYÉI prepares supportive materials for decision makers on all levels in health care, prepares national and international publications, posters and presentations, conducts health economic research, and initiates legislative changes in the field of health technology.
OGYÉI’s divergent professional and legal experience manifests not only in operating the law but also in its participation in preparing domestic and union-level legal acts as well as participating in the committees and working parties of the EMA and professional committees of the WHO, the Council of Europe and OECD.
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Main tasks in the project
OGYEI will collaborate in WP2, WP3, WP4, WP9 and WP10.