Fondazione Gianni Benzi, parner of EPTRI, promotes educational and training activities aimed to foster a continuous multi-specialistic update on the most recent novelties in the regulatory and pharmaceutical fields.
Annually, Fondazione Gianni Benzi organises the Foresight Training Course (FTC), a short international course aimed to promote pharmacological research and innovation.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, this year the XIII FTC – “Challenges for Researchers and Regulators facing the pandemic crisis” will run virtually on 23 October 2020 at 09:30 AM (CEST) and it will be focused on how the pandemic crisis forced the European Pharmaceutical System to change.
The unprecedented COVID-19 emergency has had a huge impact on the whole society as well as on the prompt availability of effective medicines, questioning the Pharmaceutical System worldwide. The Coronavirus pandemic clearly demonstrates the need to revise some of the cornerstones of the European healthcare system and of the drug development process in order to properly meet patients’ needs and ensure them timely access to medicines under all circumstances.
The meeting will discuss the proposed European Union (EU) new strategy, just launched in the pandemic framework, that aims to improve and accelerate patients access to high-quality, safe and affordable medicines and to support further innovation in the European pharmaceutical industry.
The first session of the course will exactly address this new European strategy, giving way to the Health Authorities and Regulators as well as to different stakeholders involved in the announced revolution of the EU Pharmaceutical System.
Experts from companies, healthcare professionals, researchers and patients ‘groups will share their contribution representing the key points to be discussed during the meeting.
Donato Bonifazi, as EPTRI Coordinator, will participate in the meeting as discussant to coordinate the discussion on the speech “Safe and accessible medicine for children: how to change the Paediatric Regulation” foreseen for the session Special insights on pharmaceutical R&D plans and rules in the framework of the pharmaceutical system reform”.
More information about the meeting is available at