The EPTRI Stakeholders Roundtable was held virtually on the 9th of July, 2020 with 29 Stakeholders from all over Europe and 109 active participants from EU Institutions, Governments, European Research Infrastructures (RIs) and projects, agencies, Networks, European Reference Networks (ERNs), patients’ associations, charities, research organisations and also EPTRI partners from EU and non-EU countries.
The event has represented the occasion to show the outcomes of the EPTRI design phase and identify possible ways of collaboration with other biomedical Research Infrastructures and European initiatives in the field of the paediatric research.
The morning sessions provided an overview of the paediatric research from the point of view of scientists, regulators, EU Institutions, networks and patients organisations, and presented the concept of the future architecture of the EPTRI Infrastructure in terms of IT structure and centralised, common and integrated services. In the afternoon a dedicated session on the networking and outreach activities took place, with a focus on the emerging fields in paediatrics such as the artificial intelligence and placenta. A last session on the life science Research Infrastructure’ expertise in paediatrics and the possible scenarios of collaboration with EPTRI has been performed.
The meeting has been a great success and we really hope to continue joining our efforts and strengthening the collaboration with the goal to accelerate paediatric medicines development.
All the materials of the meeting are available at this link: https://bit.ly/3mqhTrn
The summary report of the discussion is available at this link: https://bit.ly/2GhpeJz
Information about the event has been also published on CORDIS and are available at: https://bit.ly/34Pe6Md