The EPTRI survey, developed within WP3, has been launched on 23rd of April with the purpose of collecting interest and identifying potential service providers to be included in the future European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure.
The goal of the questionnaire is to map the European research units that are currently active in the field of paediatrics, in order that to find the existing gaps in the European paediatric research environment. The basic areas of interest of these research units should fall within specific key concepts:
- human development and paediatric basic science;
- early translational discovery and paediatric drug development;
- paediatric biomarkers and biosamples;
- paediatric pharmacology;
- paediatric medicines formulation.
If you are interested in completing in the survey, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] and you will receive the instructions to access this questionnaire.
Remember that your participation is crucial to ensure a proper development of the project and to identify the current state of the art.
The deadline for participation is May 31st!