The International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) is a worldwide event that focuses on international cooperation between research infrastructures (RIs), providing a setting for strategic discussion on international cooperation for RIs at a global level. This year’s conference, which will be held in Vienna on September 12th-14th, will underline the critical role of RIs, bringing up the needs, development and functioning of such significant facilities.
As we have already announced, EPTRI has been kindly invited to take part in this unique event and to present a poster about the project. The poster, entitled “EPTRI: European Paediatric Traslational Research Infrastructure. The bridge towards the future of paediatric medicine”, highlights the objective and structure of the project, giving some details about partnership, specific goals, coordination and working topics.
If you are interested in learning more about ICRI 2018 or in attending the meeting, you may find more information here. We are looking forward to keeping you informed about the outcomes of the event!