Newsletter March 2020 - Special Issue
Designing the framework for a new European paediatric research infrastructure
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
As you know Europe and the world are facing a big challenge against the SARS-CoV-2 and thousands of people from different European countries are working together to keep our patients and families safe. It is in an occasion like this that we can see the situation first-hand and understand how putting together resources, facilities and expertise can help researchers to achieve results. This is exactly what research infrastructures do: ensure that excellent scientists have access to Europe´s best research facilities, pan-European collaboration and expertise, as well as global outlook to foster the innovation.
EPTRI has been delivering excellent results during two years and a half in many different scientific areas defined as Thematic Research Platforms, mapping facilities and competence, developing feasibility studies and involving internal and external users, with the aim of covering several needs in paediatric research, as it has been done for example for Developmental Pharmacology and Placental studies.
Now that EPTRI is almost at the final rush of this first phase of design, we would like to share with all of you, who have contributed to reach this step, some of our first results. The face-to-face EPTRI Open Meeting, planned on April 2nd-3rd in Brussels with this objective, is going to be celebrated remotely due to the exceptional circumstances that we are all living.
In preparation of the meeting and to promote paediatric research, EPTRI has launched a call for proposals of original abstracts and reviews on several hot topics referable to the EPTRI four thematic fields of interest. The selected posters will be presented on the EPTRI website as short teaser videos, while some of the selected oral presentations will be presented during the second day of the EPTRI Open Meeting. All the videos have been selected by the EPTRI Scientific Committee and they cover the expertise and specificities of EPTRI paediatric platforms dedicated to formulations, drug discovery, biomarkers, developmental pharmacology, and medical devices. They will be available in the next weeks at
Moreover, in occasion of the EPTRI Open Meeting, a special issue entitled “Scientific Highlights in the First European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure Open Meeting” has been created on Pharmaceutics, an Open Access journal with a 4.7 impact factor. EPTRI WP8 co-Leader Nunzio Denora (University of Bari, member of CVBF) is the guest editor of the special issue. All the EPTRI partners are invited to submit original research articles, reviews, opinion papers, editorials or short communications. The deadline for manuscript submissions is December 10th 2020.
More information is available here.
EPTRI is working to develop national nodes in all the countries that have shown interest in the new Research Infrastructure and in its ambition to strengthen a collaborative environment to boost paediatric drugs developmental processes. Next crucial step for EPTRI is the application to the ESFRI Roadmap 2021, aimed to include EPTRI within the ESFRI scenario.
Stay tuned to keep updated!
Evelyne Jacqz-Aigrain
Leader of the EPTRI Developmental Pharmacology Thematic Research Platform
EPTRI Open Meeting
Due to the progress of the situation related to the new coronavirus infection and the declaration of the pandemic status by the WHO, the EPTRI Open Meeting planned on the 2nd and 3rd of April 2020 in Brussels will be performed remotely.
Details for the connection will be shared soon.
EPTRI Stakeholders Roundtable
We are pleased to inform you that we are organising a EPTRI Stakeholders Roundtable with the aim to discuss possible ways of collaboration with other biomedical research infrastructures and European initiatives and networks relevant for paediatric research.
The meeting will be held in the morning of April 22nd at the European Parliament (Room PHS 1C 047) in Brussels. In case the progress of the situation related to the SARS-CoV-2 infection will prevent us from its organization, EPTRI Stakeholders Roundtable will be postponed.
Several ministries support EPTRI
We are very glad to announce that the Italian Ministry of University and Research, the Directorate of General Public, Quality and Innovation of the Spanish Ministry of Health and the Secretariat General of Public Health of the Hellenic Ministry of Health, have granted its official support to EPTRI.
Upcoming Events
10th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products 2020 ECRD.
14-16 May 2020.
This year’s theme is “The journey of living with a rare disease in 2030”. EPTRI will present a poster on “EPTRI – European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure: accelerating the future of the paediatric research” in the Theme 4 “When therapies meet the needs: enabling a patient-centric approach to therapeutic development”.
8th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS).
October 16-20, 2020, Barcelona.
The congress motto is “Shaping the Future of Child Health” as the aim is the stimulation of a robust debate on the newest innovation and research in paediatric. In this fruitful scenario, EPTRI will submit an abstract.