Designing the framework for a new European paediatric research infrastructure

Dear Friends,
I am very pleased to welcome you to the second newsletter of the EPTRI (European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure) project, please take some time to enjoy the content of this newsletter.
As you know, we are already at the end of the first project year and I am glad to acknowledge that a lot of achievements have been reached so far.
In particular, we have concluded the first phase of the context analysis and a survey has been launched to collect interest and detect potential service providers to be included in the future Research Infrastructure.
More than 130 units from 29 European countries participated in this survey and we are currently performing a qualitative and quantitative analysis of results, in order to fit the expertise of each unit in the global scenario of the future paediatric infrastructure.
In the meantime, we are going to reopen the survey in order to increase the response rate, enrich the geographical coverage and focus on possible services responders can offer.
Moreover, EPTRI has been invited to attend several events and had the occasion to spread the word about its activities and achievements.
Stay tuned following us on our social media channels (Facebook and LinkedIn), if you wish to get informed about the most important outcomes of the project so far.
On behalf of all the EPTRI Consortium, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Adriana Ceci
President of the Gianni Benzi Foundation
Steering Committee Member of the European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure
Re-launch of the EPTRI survey
We are pleased to inform you that the EPTRI survey, developed within WP3, will be re-opened in the next weeks with a new design. The goal of this action is to increase the response rate, enrich the geographical coverage and focus on possible services responders can offer.

Saskia de Wildt from Partner Radboud University on Regulatory Science Magazine
Recently, Saskia de Wildt, professor at Radboud University appeared on Regulatory Science Magazine sharing her views regarding the role of the Dutch Medicines Board (MEB) in paediatric research and in paediatric drug development.
EMA releases a guideline on “Nonclinical safety testing in support of development of paediatric medicines”
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has released for public consultation the ICH guideline S11 on nonclinical safety testing in support of development of paediatric medicines.

New publication in “Altered emotional response in adulthood caused by infection during the neonatal period”
The Institute of Physiology (IPHYS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), which aims to integrate animal and cellular models for paediatric diseases within the EPTRI project, has recently published an article on the peer-reviewed journal Behavioural Brain Research entitled “Neonatal immune activation by lipopolysaccharide causes inadequate emotional responses to novel situations but no changes in anxiety or cognitive behavior in Wistar rats”.

EPTRI was presented at the Smart Open Workshop – Warsaw, 29th-30th November
Donato Bonifazi, coordinator of EPTRI, has been invited to perform an oral presentation about the project on the SMART Open workshop – Paediatric Foresight Training Course entitled “Current status and future changes in the European paediatric biomedical research”.
EPTRI went to Barcelona for the “Partnerships in clinical trials Europe” meeting
EPTRI is quite busy these days! The consortium was kindly invited to make an oral presentation at the upcoming “Partnerships in clinical trials Europe” conference, which was held in Barcelona from the 27th to the 29th of November, 2018.

EPTRI in Cyprus: participation of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology in two events to present the Project
Members of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, CING, participated in two scientific congresses where they are presenting the EPTRI project to an international audience.
EPTRI presentation at the joint EFGCP & DIA Better Medicines for Children Conference 2018
EPTRI attended the Joint EFGCP & DIA Better Medicines for Children Conference 2018, an annual event jointly organized by EFGCP and DIA with a focus on new developments in paediatric medicines.

EPTRI General Assembly in Athens

On October 9th-10th 2018, the 2nd General Assembly of the ID-EPTRI project took place in Athens (Greece) at the President Hotel and was hosted by the Greek partner ATHENA Research and Innovation Center in Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies.

EPTRI at the 10th Conference of the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI)
EPTRI was invited to attend the 10th Conference of the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI) on September 12-13rd 2018 by Prof. Catherine Tuleu, chair of EuFPI and WP8 leader within the EPTRI project.
EPTRI participation in the Europe Biobank Week 2018
Last September 7th the EPTRI project was presented at one of the most relevant scientific events of the year: the Europe Biobank Week (EBW), celebrated this year in Antwerp (Belgium). EBW is one of the most noteworthy biobanking meetings worldwide, providing a forum for the biobanking community to discuss the future challenges in this field.

EPTRI was presented at the APS@FIP Glasgow 2018
EPTRI was invited to attend the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences conference (APS@FIP) this past September 7th in order to present a poster related to the project. Valeria Pignataro was in charge of doing the presentation on behalf of the consortium.

Webinar on ‘Social Media to Communicate Science and R&D Projects’
Next Thursday January 10th at 4 PM CET, EPTRI will be hosting its first webinar entitled “Social Media to communicate Science and Research & Development projects”. The webinar will be aimed to provide information on the different strategies to use social media as channel for science communication. The webinar is free but registration is required at the following link:
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4th Health-RI Conference, will be held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on January 17th, 2019.
EPTRI submitted an abstract.
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3rd European Conference on Pharmaceutics will be held on March 25th-26th, 2019 in Bologna, Italy.
Abstract titled “EPTRI – European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure: the future of the formulation science in paediatric pharmaceutics” has been accepted as poster presentation.
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Third EPTRI GA in Madrid
The Next EPTRI General Assembly will be held in Madrid on March 27th-28th, 2019 and will be organised in collaboration with the Spanish partners SERMAS HULP and FSJD. The meeting will be hosted at the Spanish Ministry of Health and an open workshop with the patients and other stakeholders has been planned.

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Innovation for Health – Netherlands’ leading conference for key players in Health and Life Sciences – February 14th, 2019, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
7TH ACCELERATE PAEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY CONFERENCE – February 14th – 15th, 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
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Inside The Minds of Regulators: Perspectives on EU Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Law – February 21th, 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
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RE(ACT) CONGRESS AMERICA – 8th – 11th May 2019, Toronto, Canada.
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