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EPTRI at the 14th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Dr. Jenny Kindblom, from our Swedish partner Region Västra Götaland, made an intervention at the EACPT (European Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics) Conference held in Stockholm last summer, highlighting the role of multinational networks in paediatric research. Region Västra Götaland is involved in the EPTRI project by contributing to the context analysis, supporting the design… Read More »

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EPTRI at the 11th EuPFI Conference in Sweden

The European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI) in partnership with the International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology hosted the 11th EuPFI Conference in Malmö (Sweden) on 10th-12th September. The theme of this year’s conference was “Formulating better medicines for children. Meeting the needs of children.” A representation of the EPTRI consortium was there to illustrate the audience… Read More »

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New Motion Graphic to present the EPTRI Project

A new motion graphic illustrating the general structure and goals of the EPTRI project has been published on our Youtube channel. This material is intended to give support to the partners and supporters of the project during their presentations in conferences, meetings or workshops. You can access this new communication material in the following link.

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EPTRI has participated in the 67th National Meeting of the Spanish Pediatric Association (AEP) celebrated in Burgos (Spain). EPTRI was presented in the roundtable titled “AEP projects”. In this session, the Spanish Pediatric Association described the different programmes and projects in which the entity is involved as a supporter. Dr. María José Mellado, president of… Read More »

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EPTRI user survey is closed: preliminary results soon available!

An online survey of users has been designed by Work Package 9, leaded by Liverpool University, with the aim to identify potential service users and the nature and extent of their needs for integrated approaches to paediatric drug development. The survey was addressed to a wide audience of professionals from companies’ associations, research centers and… Read More »

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Representatives from paediatric networks, research infrastructures (RIs), European Reference Networks (ERNs), charities, patients’ associations, Young Persons Advisory Groups (YPAGs), companies’ federations, Governments and regulatory Authorities, had a very productive discussion during the stakeholders roundtable held in the framework of the 3rd General Assembly of EPTRI in Madrid, Spain, on March 27th 2019. The event took… Read More »

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The Israeli Ministry of Health supports EPTRI

We are very glad to announce that the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Health has signed the official letter for Israeli political support to EPTRI. EPTRI is considered of great value for the Research Community active in Israel as it can lead to an enhancement of paediatric research and to a wider implementation… Read More »

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EPTRI at the IV Seminar on Clinical Trials Phase I in Spain

EPTRI has participated in the IV Seminar on Clinical Trials Phase I celebrated recently in Spain. The meeting was held on June 5th at the University Hospital La Paz in Madrid. Cristina Calvo, Head of Section at the Paediatric Service, Infectious and Tropical Diseases in the University Hospital La Paz and Coordinator of RITIP (Translational… Read More »

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